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Maelstrom's Arrangements - 8th Anniversary - Xeno Suprise

Started by Maelstrom, April 09, 2014, 12:33:48 PM

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What do you want to see more arrangements of?

Fire Emblem
2 (11.1%)
1 (5.6%)
Weird stuff
8 (44.4%)
This poll doesn't matter because maelstrom will just arrange weird stuff anyway
13 (72.2%)

Total Members Voted: 18


Yayyyy chrono trigger!

Sounds good, man. Just gonna list a few things, though:
-You're right, wrong key, haha. I'd go F minor for this one (and then Eb minor at 11)
-First four bars sound great, fuckin love those cluster chords. Only thing is, you'll want to tie an eighth note to a half note, rather than a half note to an eighth note, because you need to make beat 3 apparent. Rule of thumb = always tie over the middle of the bar.
-Nitpicky thing, but each of those chords in the right hand releases on the "and" of beat 1 of the next measure. So, it'd be tied over to an eighth note, then there'd be one eighth rest before the next two chords are played.
-Bar 8, go ahead and make that B natural a Cb, for proper chromaticism.
-Chord in the right hand on bar 9 should be held out another bar
-I would go ahead and include the timpani thing in bar 10, in the left hand; you could do that by using pedal for those two bars, and just starting the figure on the low B on beat 2. Not necessary, but I think it'd make those 2 bars more interesting/accurate to the original.
-All of those chords in the right hand bars 5-10 should have another note underneath; it's basically just a major second below the current bottom note of each chord. So, it's continuing the cluster chord idea from before.
-You can do something for the percussion in the intro/bar 10, if you want; if you do, I'd suggest a sort of tremolo using F in the left hand. But incorporating percussion is always optional, so that's really up to you.

Now, for the Eb minor section (11-end):
-Gb in measure 11 should be an Ab
-Db in measure 12 should be a Bb
-You should probably use pedal for this section; so, beat 1 of measure 11, beat 1 of measure 12, beat 1 and 3 of measure 13, beat 1 of measure 14, etc.
-Measure 13, I know that the RH and LH parts overlap, but you'll still want to indicate the melody in the right hand and parenthesize the notes, to be clear. Also, beat 4 in the left hand should be C, and the sixteenth note leading into measure 14 should be Eb (making the note you land on in measure 14 be F).
-It'd be nice to include those MIDI voice parts from measure 15-18; otherwise, it's kinda just a dull repetition.
     (Speaking of repetition, a few of the suggestions I made for measures 11-14 apply here, too; the pedal, the Gb->Ab in measure 15, the Db->Bb in measure 16, the Eb->C in measure 17)
-Measures 19-20 should be 4-part harmony; 19 should be Cb in the left hand (in the staff), and there should be a Gb on the bottom of that right hand chord. 20 should be Bb in the left hand (also in the staff), with an F added on the bottom of that right hand chord.
-Definitely include the timpani part in the LH for measure 21 through the end; that sort of "impetuoso" feeling is what makes it move. Unless you include it, that crescendo in measure 22 is kind of meaningless, as it only holds implications for a single note. Also, measure 23 to the end just becomes super boring and static without it.
-Now, that may interfere with the "Ab, Bb, Eb" thing you have going on in measures 21 - 22 as of right now. That's ok; I like the idea of having it in a different octave to emphasize it, but it really doesn't need to be. Just rearticulate the Ab and Bb that you already have in the right hand, and you should be good.
-Beat 4 of measures 23, 24, and 25 should all be cluster chords in the right hand; Ab, Bb, Eb.

Well, I've procrastinated on this paper for long enough, but I'm pretty sure I got mostly everything. Lemme know if you have any questions.


Yeah, could you add a key signature change were it changes? Notepad.
And, I tried playing both  hands in the proper octave and just tied my fingers into a knot. Should I put a optional 8va there? And how do I add the parentheses? (Figured out how to get most dynamics and articulations in notepad)


Bleh :/ I can only look at this on notepad, too, because the only full version I have is 2011, and this file's incompatible with it :'( so I'm afraid I can't do that


Not that it matters, but be careful about using the word "cluster chord" here Fierce. Both by definition as well as by what people normally associate with the term, none of those chords are cluster chords.
Quote from: maelstrom. on May 07, 2014, 10:01:36 AMAnd how do I add the parentheses? (Figured out how to get most dynamics and articulations in notepad)
You parenthesize notes with the articulation tool - the "open" and "close" parenthesize are two different articulations so you can have a longer phrase parenthesized than just one note. You can't normally get them in NotePad, but ofc you've figured out the trick to get them, so they're number 38 and 39 on the articulation tool menu. Note that they don't really work on chords - sometimes they start jumping from one of the notes to another, like some of the other articulation tend to do as well.
Quote from: maelstrom. on May 07, 2014, 10:01:36 AMYeah, could you add a key signature change were it changes? Notepad.
you could ask in that thread again, but it seems no one helped you last time though (and rather started hating on 8/8, which there's nothing wrong with btw. it's not even that rare, and to be honest it was the most correct solution musically for the song... but whatevs..)
Birdo for Smash


Updated files and links. Will wait for someone to reformat it for me on help thread.


Formatted and updated Lavos's Theme.  Now with layers.


I'm planning on doing the entire super metroid soundtrack. Well, just the musical ones that are missing from the site. Here's the first:
Super Metroid

Brinstar (Red Soil Area)
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]




Spore Spawn
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]



Another super song from Super Metroid. I couldn't get the repeats to play back or different dynamics in each hand for playback, so the Left hand drowns out the right in parts.

Super Metroid

Crateria: The Space Pirates Emerge



Quote from: maelstrom. on May 18, 2014, 01:18:37 PMI couldn't get the repeats to play back or different dynamics in each hand for playback, so the Left hand drowns out the right in parts.

Keep in mind that it's the sheet that matters. When a human plays that won't make a difference.


Finally! Another arrangement!

Chrono Trigger
The Undersea Palace
Two Pianos
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]


And thanks to Zwane for formatting this for me.


It's in F-minor, even if there are some dorian traits. I would also include some modulation too - not really for the ones in measures#33 through #44, but at least the one where it goes into A-phrygian for 8 measures (and repeated).
Birdo for Smash


OK. Anything else? I know the left hand needs to be 8vb in the last 4 measures. First time writing a duet, so I'd like to know how well I did.


I think it's good.
Though as a wind guy I really shouldn't get to say too much about how good a piano arrangement is, especially not a duet.
Birdo for Smash


New arrangement! It's another Bravely Default one to celebrate my acquisition of Finale! (finally!) I was working on Serpent Eating the Ground, but it was so brutal, I took a break and did this one. It was pretty easy, compared to the final boss song....
I think I left out a few harmonies, but it's good for the most part.

Bravely Default

[An] Instant of Eternity (Pause Menu Music)
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]
