TWG VI: Rise of the Olympians (Now Post Game)

Started by Nakah, June 14, 2010, 05:51:49 PM

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   The night sky soared above the village, looking more like a fearsome dragon now than a spectral beauty. The clouds swirled faster and closer to one another around the mountain. There was a loud crack.

   ETF looked up from her garden where she had been planting vegetables. The clouds began to swirl faster and faster in a spiral around the peak of the mountain. The wind began to pick up, and ETF had to grab hold of her fence and make her way back inside her home.  It began to rain furiously at a moment's notice, and thunder began to clash and lightning struck all around the mountain as the clouds began to turn dark green. ETF screamed and looked up in horror.

   Then everything fell silent.

   With a flash, a beam of white light shot from the peak of Olympus and swept through the village. Everyone was thrown back and any travelers or merchants passing through the town were instantly killed. When the light finally resided back to the peak of the mountain, only the original 10 remained alive in the village.

   ETF stood up, rubbing her head. She looked around and saw the other town members. Everyone seemed to be gathering in the middle of the village.

   "We don't know what that was, but I think it's best if we return to our homes for the night and plea for the gods' aid and forgiveness for whatever we have done to offend and displease them."

   No one could refute the idea of praise to the gods. Everyone agreed that they should all retire to their homes and praise the gods and plea for forgiveness, then tomorrow they could decide whether to approach Olympus and find out.

   Everyone returned to their homes for the night, and the village became silent.


   The Roles:

   10 players
   1 Titan(Wolf)
   Cronus(Master Wolf) The Master Wolf is seered as green, but is on the wolves' team and has all normal wolf functions.
   Ares(Vigi) Has the ability to send in a pm to kill any player of his choice once per night.
   Athena(Seer) Sends in a PM once per night to see the color of a player's role.
   Gladiators of Fate(Humans) Don't know one another, must kill the wolves in order to win.

   Armor of Achilles This item is sent to a random human at the start of the game. This armor, when in the possession of a player, will protect him from being wolfed, but not lynched. So long as this player has the armor, he is protected from being wolfed. If the player is lynched with the armor, then the armor is lost forever. The player can choose to send the armor to any other player by PM'ing the host and letting him now which player to send it to.

   Apollo's Bow This item is sent to a random player(Human or Wolf) at the start of the game. This item only has one arrow, meaning it has only one use. To use, the player with this item sends a PM to the host stating the name of the player that he/she wishes to use it on. The bow has the ability to resurrect one player during the Night phase. When used, the bow disappears. The player has the ability to send this item to another via pm'ing the host. If a player dies with this item, it is lost forever.

   The Players:

   1.  SuperFireKirby
   2.  MasterGamer_38
   3.  AskAlice
   4.  Jake3343
   5.  JaMaHa
   6.  ETF
   7.  Concerto
   8.  TheLegend
   9.  Dude
  10. DekuDude


   You're going to like this.


   It's going to force activity, and lots of it. You're all going to be thoroughly aware of what's going on in the game at all points of the thread. The Day phases for this game will run from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Night phases will run from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. This pattern will repeat. This is to force everyone to be active, and this is how the game is played in most places.

   3 Phantoms=Death.

  It is now Night 1. All PMs must be sent to me. Night ends at 7:00 a.m. EST



Master Wolf



Armor of Achilles - Given to green or blue - gives player wolfsbane powers (can be traded)
Apollo's Bow - Given to any player - revives one player (can be traded)
2. jake3343
3. Dude
4. Master_Gamer38
5. JaMaHa
6. TheLegend
7. SuperFireKirby
8. askalice23
9. Concerto No.20 in D minor
10. Dekudude


I'm not in this, but let me mention something real quick: times, according to what zone?


Meant to fix that, thanks.

  All PMS are out.


well my last post failed.

Anyway, it's time to do things, as night 1 ends tomorrow morning. I think that whoever has the armor of achilles should claim to the thread. Then vigi and seer claim to him/her (of course give some time to counterclaim).


Nakah, psst. My name is Master_Gamer38 not MasterGamer_38 :P
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Ok lets get this game going.... Now that i know how to play ill be more active.... AIM account is WER1100


Hey guys! It's been so long since I've played this game. :) Hope we all have fun.

I don't have any items this time around. :( Who has the armor? You should definitely claim it. You're safe anyway.


DEKU!!!! Hi.


Ways to contact me, best would be msn:
I'm also on IRC quite often. #nsm or #twg
I do have AIM, but ugh. I only have it on one computer. Which I don't have internet access with right now. I'm unable to put it on this computer too unfortunately.

So, my take on this game.
Seer, don't fully trust your seerings. If you get a green, there is a chance they might not be green. Because there is a master wolf this time. This means that there is a wolf, when seers that will return green. But, if you get a red or blue in your seerings. Those are true for sure. In fact, if you seer someone blue, that means you found the vigi.

And, now with the items. If you have the armour, let yourself be known. You are safe from the wolves. Once out, the blues should go to him.

Lets go to the vigi. Be careful with that power. There is a 2/9 chance of killing a wolf. A 2/9 chance of hitting the item holders, unless the vigi has them, in which it becomes 1/4. A 1/9 chance of hitting the seer. I know the odds aren't likely to hit anything important. But, if you wait a day phase before using it, at that point, there should be an alliance with the seer and the armour holder. And since there will be a person that was wolfed, the chance of hitting a wolf becomes 1/4. Along with that alliance formed, that's two more people safe. So 1/3 chance of hitting a wolf. But still a 1/6th chance of hitting the holder of the Bow.

Blah, if anything needs clarifying. I'll do my best. I'm too tired and loopy to really focus much on anything. It's taken me just over half an hour to type up this post. So, blah. Bed time, see you all in the daytime.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I've got the Armor of Achilles; and if a fellow human got the arrow, he/she should send it to me since that would be epic.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


It was a shock to find the body of Jake3343 in the streets that morning. Everyone in the village gathered and began to discuss what the possibilities were.

  "Surely something must have happened to anger the gods, there must be some sort of reason."

  "There is." Said a voice.

  A figure stepped from the crowd, no one had realized he was present until now. Everyone jumped back and fell to their knees when they realized the identity of this figure.

  "Forgive us, messenger of the gods." Said Dekudude, bowing his head.

  Hermes glanced around the crowd of nine villagers. Then he spoke:

  "It was I that swept through your village last night like a lightning bolt. My father has sent me to plague your village, as a test."

  "Plague!? A test for what?" Asked Concerto.

  "Olympus wishes to rid man of all his wickedness. So I have plagued you all with a specific evil that will twist you and turn you into the very form of your evil each night. The only way to conquer this test is to kill off the two infected villagers. Otherwise, they shall conquer you all, one by one."

  The task was understood, and everyone in the village trembled with fear for their impending doom.

  "Then it is decided, every day at sunset we will decide to lynch off one of our own. We must prevail, my friends. Olympus must prevail." Said SuperFireKirby.

   With that, day had begun.


  It is now Day 1. Day ends tonight at 9:00p.m. EST.

  I'm extending it a few hours since this post didn't come in when night had ended.


2. jake3343 Wolfed
3. Dude
4. Master_Gamer38
5. JaMaHa
6. TheLegend
7. SuperFireKirby
8. askalice23
9. Concerto No.20 in D minor <Has Armor of Achilles
10. Dekudude

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



I realized I made this game very difficult.

I'm interested to see how this plays out.

Everyone needs to be more active and start posting. Day ends at 9:00 p.m. EST.